Source code for trnsystor.linkstyle

"""LinkStyle module."""
import numpy as np
from matplotlib.colors import colorConverter
from shapely.geometry import LineString

from trnsystor.anchorpoint import AnchorPoint
from trnsystor.utils import get_int_from_rgb, redistribute_vertices

[docs]class LinkStyle(object): """LinkStyle class.""" def __init__( self, u, v, loc, color="black", linestyle="-", linewidth=None, path=None, autopath=True, ): """Initialize class. Args: u (Component): from Model. v (Component): to Model. loc (str or tuple): loc (str): The location of the anchor. The strings 'top-left', 'top-right', 'bottom-left', 'bottom-right' place the anchor point at the corresponding corner of the :class:`TrnsysModel`. The strings 'top-center', 'center-right', 'bottom-center', 'center-left' place the anchor point at the edge of the corresponding :class:`TrnsysModel`. The string 'best' places the anchor point at the location, among the eight locations defined so far, with the shortest distance with the destination :class:`TrnsysModel` (other). The location can also be a 2-tuple giving the coordinates of the origin :class:`TrnsysModel` and the destination :class:`TrnsysModel`. color (str or tuple): The color of the line. Accepts any matplotlib color. You can specify colors in many ways, including full names ('green'), hex strings ('#008000'), RGB or RGBA tuples ((0,1,0,1)) or grayscale intensities as a string ('0.8'). linestyle (str): Possible values: '-' or 'solid', '--' or 'dashed', '-.' or 'dashdot', ':' or 'dotted', '-.' or 'dashdotdot'. linewidth (float): The link line width in points. path (LineString or MultiLineString): The path the link should follow. autopath (bool): If True, find best path. """ self.u = u self.v = v self.loc = loc self._color = color self._linestyle = linestyle self._linewidth = linewidth self.autopath = autopath self._path = None @property def path(self): """Return the path of self.""" if self._path is None: u_anchor_name, v_anchor_name = self.anchor_ids _u = AnchorPoint(self.u).anchor_points[u_anchor_name] _v = AnchorPoint(self.v).anchor_points[v_anchor_name] if self.autopath: self._path = self.u.STUDIO_CANVAS.shortest_path(_u, _v) else: line = LineString([_u, _v]) self._path = redistribute_vertices(line, line.length / 3) return self._path @path.setter def path(self, value): self._path = value @property def anchor_ids(self): """Return studio anchor ids.""" if isinstance(self.loc, tuple): loc_u, loc_v = self.loc else: loc_u = self.loc loc_v = self.loc return AnchorPoint(self.u).studio_anchor(self.v, (loc_u, loc_v)) def __repr__(self): """Return Deck representation of self.""" return self._to_deck()
[docs] def set_color(self, color): """Set the color of the line.""" self._color = color
[docs] def get_color(self): """Return the line color.""" return self._color
[docs] def set_linestyle(self, ls): """Set the linestyle of the line. Args: ls (str): Possible values: '-' or 'solid', '--' or 'dashed', '-.' or 'dashdot', ':' or 'dotted', '-.' or 'dashdotdot'. """ if isinstance(ls, str): self._linestyle = ls
[docs] def get_linestyle(self): """Return the linestyle. See also :meth:`~trnsystor.trnsysmodel.LinkStyle.set_linestyle`. """ return self._linestyle
[docs] def set_linewidth(self, lw): """Set the line width in points. Args: lw (float): The line width in points. """ self._linewidth = lw
[docs] def get_linewidth(self): """Return the linewidth. See also :meth:`~trnsystor.trnsysmodel.LinkStyle.set_linewidth`. """ return self._linewidth
def _to_deck(self): """Return deck representation of self. Examples: 0:20:40:20:1:0:0:0:1:513,441:471,441:471,430:447,430 """ u_anchor_name, v_anchor_name = self.anchor_ids anchors = ( ":".join( [ ":".join( map( str, AnchorPoint(self.u).studio_anchor_mapping[u_anchor_name], ) ), ":".join( map( str, AnchorPoint(self.u).studio_anchor_mapping[v_anchor_name], ) ), ] ) + ":" ) color = ( str( get_int_from_rgb( tuple([u * 255 for u in colorConverter.to_rgb(self.get_color())]) ) ) + ":" ) path = ",".join( [":".join(map(str, n.astype(int).tolist())) for n in np.array(self.path)] ) linestyle = str(_linestyle_to_studio(self.get_linestyle())) + ":" linewidth = str(self.get_linewidth()) + ":" connection_set = anchors + "1:" + color + linestyle + linewidth + "1:" + path head = "*!LINK {}:{}\n".format(self.u.unit_number, self.v.unit_number) tail = "*!CONNECTION_SET {}\n".format(connection_set) return head + tail
def _linestyle_to_studio(ls): linestyle_dict = { "-": 0, "solid": 0, "--": 1, "dashed": 1, ":": 2, "dotted": 2, "-.": 3, "dashdot": 3, "-..": 4, "dashdotdot": 4, } _ls = linestyle_dict.get(ls) return _ls def _studio_to_linestyle(ls): linestyle_dict = {0: "-", 1: "--", 2: ":", 3: "-.", 4: "-.."} _ls = linestyle_dict.get(ls) return _ls